“Frequency-specific microcurrent is a revolutionary therapy that dramatically increases the body’s ability to heal and repair itself. FSM can increase the rate of healing by up to 5 times and do so safely and effectively. “
Frequency specific microcurrent is a revolutionary therapy that dramatically increases the body’s ability to heal and repair itself. FSM can increase the rate of healing by up to 5 times and do so safely and effectively.
Every function in the human body is electrically based. The electricity made inside your cells provides the power for your body. When microcurrent is applied to the body at a specific frequency (speed), it can have positive effects on the condition of tissues and organs. FSM can help the body recuperate, promote pain relief, relax muscles, dissolve scar tissue and improve healing, all at accelerated rates.
FSM is painless; in fact you cannot even feel it. FSM provides electric current in the millionth of an ampere, which is below the stimulation threshold of sensory nerves. (Your own cells generate a current in the microamp range.)
FSM works on the principle of biologic resonance. A singer can shatter glass when the note resonates with the crystal structure of the glass. Microcurrent frequencies seem to be able to resonate with the biologic
tissue when the correct frequency is applied.
Each cell has an ideal resonant frequency. When your body experiences any type of injury, trauma, stress or increased inflammation, the normal resonant frequency of that tissue is altered. The desired effect of FSM is to return the tissue back to its normal frequency.
What conditions can be treated with FSM?
Every patient responds individually but the changes to the muscle seem to be long lasting. About 60-80% of the changes created in one treatment last until the next treatment, about 4-7 days. Your muscles are often used to being the way they are and may return to the old configuration if not treated again. Although patients have had permanent changes in one treatment, the average number of treatments depends on the complexity of the problem.
Treatments also need to be supported by appropriate lifestyle changes. (Ex: if the problem is chronic trigger points due to poor posture, FSM will help treat the trigger points. However, if the postural issues are not addressed the problem will likely recur.
FSM works on a cellular level. Other devices such as TENS (trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit cannot heal on a cellular level because its current is 1000 times too large. The current doesn’t match, or resonate with the cells in a way that can invoke a healing response. As such, the TENS is limited to temporary pain relief.
Other microcurrent devices are also significantly different from FSM. Microcurrent has been used for years to speed the rate of healing, control inflammation, increase the rate of fracture repair and treat myofascial pain and dysfunction. However, early devices allowed only a limited number of frequency settings and therefore treatment options. FSM is unique in that it can deliver a large number of frequency combinations targeted to the cells that need it most. Utilizing FSM we can treat a much broader array of conditions and do so much more effectively.
585 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3
Singapore 560585
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